I had a little walk down to Porlock this morning, and discovered something that made my heart sing! Just want to share it with you all. The garden is BLOOMING!
Some of you were involved last year in planting the fruit trees that were donated, and helped watering them (considering this is a big site and we have had no water other than what has been harvested, this was a big task in and of itself.
We have been slightly worried that the trees wouldn't survive due to lack of water during the hot days last summer. However, I can happily announce that more or less all of the trees now have new blossoms or new buds, so they are definitely alive! And hopefully we will have plenty of fruit later in the year..
Below are some snap shots from my little walk earlier, these are all from different trees..
Porlock Gardens are definitely in bloom! Happy Spring!
In Comm-Unity,