16th April 2024
Time to come together as a community!
"Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. NO one has made it through life without someone else's help."
- Heather French Henry
We are preparing for the biggest event at Porlock Gardens this year so far!
Our big Volunteer day at Porlock Gardens 10am-3pm!
Please come if you can - and bring friends! Please share with others!
(Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear)
We need People Power! The more we get done this Tuesday and upcoming events, the sooner we will be able to open the gardens to the public on a regular basis. So the more, the merrier!
We will provide some refreshments, and we are so grateful that the Jarra Hub (Big Local Jarrow) are bringing their amazing Tea Clinic to offer you all some delicious hot or iced tea.
Thank you, Roweena & team! x
Volunteer Application
If you would like to volunteer on a more regular basis at Bilton Hall or in the Porlock Gardens, please fill out this volunteer form (click the link).
Warm welcome to the team!
Porlock Gardens Community Consultation 16th April 6-8pm, Bilton Hall
Later that same evening at 6-8pm, we will have our monthly Community Consultation on Porlock Gardens at Bilton Hall Community Centre. It is open for all who has an interest in our community garden and would like to be involved. We will give the latest updatest on the development and plans. Welcome!
We are getting WATER on site!
There are now plans to finally have water connected to the site, which is amazing!
The council has confirmed work to start shortly.
So, from Wednesday the 17th April (the day after our big Volunteer day), Porlock Gardens will be completely closed for ALL for works for at least two weeks.
So no access for anyone for the duration.
There will be no access for vans/cars for an additional 2 weeks after, once reopened.
This is the information we have at the moment, but we will be back with an update as soon as we know the progress.
So this is also a notice to neighbouring residents that there will be major works done for the entrance on Porlock Road and up about 1/3 of the site during this time. we apologise for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you all for your contribution!
In Comm-Unity,
Joanna, Lise & the Friends of Porlock team